miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Physical Description

SungMin is a handsome man. He is 29 years old and he is one of the oldest in his group. He is well-built and muscular. He has average height but he's not very tall in his group. His face is oval and he has a baby face; you even can get confused and think he's teenager. His hair is naturaly short, straight and black but he dyed it and now he has light brown hair. He has big eyes, they're bigger than the average Korean and they are very beautiful, he has eye-smile. He has heart shaped lips and a wide smile. Most of the fans find him very attractive.

This was the first time describing physically someone in a long paragraph. It was a bit difficult because I had to put the physical features in order while describing him and I had some punctuation mistakes. But I could do it well

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