lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013


"Escribir es la manera más profunda de leer la vida." Francisco Umbral

Bienvenidos. El objetivo de este blog es saber sobre el proceso de escritura que hemos aprendido en el semestre a través de diferentes tipos de textos. Podrán ver textos argumentativos, expositivos, y descripciones. La escritura es un proceso que lleva tiempo y dedicación, y por eso mismo, en esta asignatura, junto con Lectura y Composición, podrán ver mi desarrollo, cómo me sentí al crear un texto, cuáles fueron mis errores y qué aprendí en ambas asignaturas.

domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

General Reflection

I feel that this subject was very useful because I've never had the chance to write paragraphs in english before because of the lack of vocabulary and motivation, but in this semester I learned how to write different kind of texts and I think that that will help me a lot when I want to write a new one about anything I want.

I'm really satisfied with each work. This is the first time that  write so many paragraphs in english so I still have to improve some things, specially the punctuation rules because it complicates me a little bit. I also think that learning about writing process like brainstorming, doing drafts or edit my paragraphs was really useful too. Putting my ideas in order while writing was a bit difficult, specially when I had to write relevant ideas and write all of them coherently.

I'm happy that now I have more confidence to write texts and I think it's really interesing. I realised how wonderful is to write. It's a good and beautiful way expressing all your feelings through a pencil and a paper. I think I will write more from now on.



In this blog you'll find my process as a writer during the term in
Reading and Composition. Here are different types of paragraphs that I had to work on based on punctuation, sentences coordination and different kind of rules I used while writing.

You'll find paragraph about a short film like Oktapodi, physical and psychological descriptions, I also described a house and I wrote about my favourite season. Here are also some reflections about the paragraphs, my development as a writer and how I felt while writing each of them.

I hope you enjoy it!

House Description

House Description

Real estate E.N.A.P. brings to you to today a beautiful house model Sun Prairie. 2 floors with basement included. Garage, 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms. Living room, dining room and citchen all connected in a single room, storage room near of the kitchen, laundry room all nice distributed in the 2 floors of the house, oh, I also should mention the including of a really big personal garden.

All the rooms have windows at their sides for make the sunlight penetrate in the house and filling it with the daylight. Pay attention to the nicely done floors of the house, with a special distribution of carpets and floors made of wood. All this makes the ambient feels really cozy, perfect for families and especially for children.

This house is ubicated in the suburbs, but not for that detail you would believe all is far away of you. The shops and commodities, like supermarkets, Malls, schools  even go to the downtown it takes no time from your house here in the suburbs all thanks to highway that connects with the city, and if any of you doesn’t have a vehicle, no problem!, public transport even makes routes until here, so the distance should be not a problem to anyone.

Still not convinced? Come to talk with us in person. We have headquarters around all the country and employees ready for ask all your questions. Come to Real estate E.N.A.P. Come to home

Garden: It’s a large area of land around the house that has grass, on the bottom of grass you can find small stones that made a path that leads you to the house, also you can plant flowers, fruit,vegetable, etc, usually with a lawn. The garden can incorporate natural product or artificial made by  man-made materials, as suggestive idea, you can build or decorate your garden with goblins, flower pots, design  a relaxing environment  for making good reading and interesting conversation, or make it appropriate for children and  their played.

Sitting Room: A semi room used for resting and receiving people. There is a wide white room divided into two sides, the right side of the room has two little windows that are separated from each other and have brown short curtains over it. In the middle of both windows there are two rectangle-shaped pictures with flowers that are in vertical way. Down these pair of pictures there is situated a white sofa with four cushions over it: two burgundy and two dotted. In both sides next to the sofa there are two medium brown round tables with lamps on it and some portraits. In front of the sofa there is a brown rectangle table with black porcelain ve-ls that are on it

Bathroom: It is a square place used as a bathroom, where the principal furniture is a round, white bathtub, actually a jacuzzi. The walls are painted grey combined with light brown and have a nice painting of flowers, also you can use other types of paintings to make you feel more comfortable and happy if you want.The wall that is in the background  has a window  made of opaque glass that can be used for ventilation and clarity in a summer or spring season, in the other wall  there is a type of grip  to put  towels but in other cases can be used to put  clothes and that sort of things too. The grip has a towel that is white with a red tape. Around the bath in one corner of it, it is a  floral arrangement to decorate the bathroom in general and in the other corner  there are a few of naturals and minerals products made to take a relaxing bath. Within the same bathroom in front of the jacuzzi there is a sink, supported by a dark, brown and hard wood, the sink has two options: hot and cold water. Over the sink there is a large mirror from wall to  wall, which reflects the electric light throughout the bathroom in general, giving a warm atmosphere. In the other side of the bathroom, beside the  jacuzzi is located a shower with sliding windows  that give an elegant touch to the bathroom.

The Main  Bedroom: This room is one of the biggest  in the house, making it comfortable, the walls have two colors, light peach making it relaxing and deep red making it romantic. At the beginning of the room it`s a brown piece of furniture with five drawers and ten white handlebars for stuff, at the top of the furniture it’s a red lamp combining with the colours of the walls. In the middle of the light peach wall is a passage  and  two others little rooms, both are wardrobes that one can be  for the wife and the other for the husband. In the deep red wall is a window with a beautiful view. The bed is a king bed very comfortable  and is resistant because is made of wood, the blanket is floral with cheerful colours like  red, white, green, and yellow, the pillows are of the same color except one that is red making combination with the atmosphere of the room. Next to the bed is other window, equal to the other mentioned before, making illuminated it. If we keep moving in the bedroom we can see a brown couch with a red pillow with white details, you can use it for read a book, made some calls, or just rest. The last furniture is bigger and you can store bed clothing, at the back is a big and beautiful mirror. We can find at  the end of the corridor a beautiful and comfortable bathroom with a jacuzzi for a relaxing and romantic night.

Kitchen: This is a cozy kitchen, very well equipped, full of appliances, cupboards and cabinets. At the right it’s a large cupboard made of wood and a grey, marble kitchen countertop. Over of it, we can see some jars and bottles that you can use it for condiments, there is also a big and useful sink.  At the back  we can see a grey stove, and over of it, is a microwave surrounded by many cabinets made of light brown wood that are spread throughout the room, so you will not have problems for keeping your stuff. At the left corner it’s a white door that takes you to a small room, in which you can keep more grocery, and at the left of it, there are more cabinets, and a cupboard. The cupboard has some drawers with some decorations over of it, like a red vase, a flower pot, etc. There is also a big, grey refrigerator with two doors.  Finally, in the center of the room, we can see an island with two drawers and two doors of the same color of all the other cupboards of the room, over the countertop of the island it’s a plate with little stones decorating it. So even when is a small kitchen is well equipped for cook anything you like, and also to spend a good time cooking.

 Kitchen dining room: It is a small and a comfortable room in which you can see a large table

made of wood. On the table there are some table mats, two candelabra and in the middle one flower arrangement to beautify the place. Around of the table there are six chairs made of wood too. Next to the table, there is a window with a small curtain. At the back you can see a big, green plant. In the other side of the wall there is a picture with four different colors. Between the plant and the picture, there is a cupboard made of wood and in the doors there are glasses. In general, walls are white in this room, you can see it side to side, but at the back there is a red wall and those colors make a perfect match.

Children Bedroom: There are two comfortable bedrooms for kids on the second floor. The first one is a baby boy bedroom with a white door and two-colored painted walls which are white and deep red, and a large window with a short curtain. When you enter the room you can see a wardrobe at the right. In front of the wardrobe there’s a one-size bed with red and green pillows, a toy stuff and a multi-coloured bedspread covering the bed. The bed is surrounded by many toys such a red plastic ball, boxes, etc. Next to the bed there’s a night table with a lamp and a toy. At the left side of the room there’s a white door, where you can save your clothes and different stuffs. On the walls, just behind the bed, you can see a large portrait with a big dinosaur painted on it and the name of the person who lives here next to it. Next to the window, there’s a bag hanging from the wall and a dinosaur plushie. There's a carpet on the floor so the person who lives here can walk barefoot inside the room.

Finally, as you can see, this is a quiet and comfortable room where your kid can enjoy and be happy here.

The second one is a girl bedroom. This room is a bit bigger than the first one and has orange-

painted walls, two large windows with short and green curtains and carpeted floor. When you enter the room, you can see a big desk with many writing materials at the left, a red lamp and a large mural on the wall with many pieces of paper. Next to the desk, there's a white wardrobe with a big green box on it and a portrait behind. On the right side and in the center of the room, there's a big bed with floral-printed bedspread and green sheet. There are red and blue pillows and a small pillow with them, and a toy on the bed. At the both sides of the bed, you can see two white night tables with lamps of the same color and two little pictures. Behind the bed, there's another picture with flowers on it. 

Finally, there are objects and a bag hanging on the wall next to the bed, and many stuff on the floor, such a bag and skates. As you can see, it's a comfortable place where your daughter can relax and enjoy her time in the room.

This work helped me a lot. At first I was a bit confused about how to describe the entire house by parts, but then I took the confidence. I learned a lot of vocabulary and how to work in a big group. Despite having a lot of people in my group, we could work in order and help each other.

sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

Winter - Anecdote

-I have always loved bunnies, they are so cute and fluffy like a snow ball. They remmind me of December. I had been obsessed about bunnies for a long time. You could find me buying bunny plushies and everything related to those cute animals. But I wanted a real one; a bunny I can pet and take care of. I wanted one but I couldn't buy it because my parents didn't
want to have an animal, so I 
decided to just be happy with my plushies. December started we were buying things for christmas. I bought a picture and a perfume for my mother, and a big pillow with a letter for my father. We were having dinner the night before christmas, when I heard my mother saying that I had to open my present now, so I did it. Surprised, I looked at the cute snow like bunny in a box. I couldn't believe that that was a real bunny. I saw my mom and she said that she couldn't resist to buy one, and since I loved bunnies so much, she decided to give me one. I was so happy, and the first thing I did was to put it a nickname. My dear Snow-ball, I'll never forget my first real bunny.

This was one of the longest paragraph I did on class, and the last one, so I tried to put all I know about vocabulary and punctuation. I'm happy that I did it correctly, but I'll keep improving to write longer paragraph about my life in the future.

Winter - Descriptive

-December is the christmas month. In this month, everyone gets prepared for christmas and new year. You can see the shops full of things to buy and people running to buy a present for their beloved family and friends. There are students finishing the year and preparing for vacations. It's also a very romantic month full of beautiful activities and moments you can share with the people you love. For new year, everybody buys food and goes to see the amazing fireworks while they wish the best for next year. Definitively, December is the month full of celebrations.

This time, the teacher said that  my paragraph was great. I talked about all the activities we do in December. I can see my progress as a writer. Little by little, i'm having more confidence while I write and I'm glad to know that.

Winter - Sensorial

-Winter is a cold and beautiful season. The snow starts to fall and everyone starts to wear warm clothes. I like this season, because I can return home and have a cup of tea with my family and have good moments with them on winter vacations. This is also the season that inspires me the most. I often listen to relaxing music while I draw, or I watch movies in my bed while I drink coffee. I also like the cold wind that passes through my skin and the rain that falls beautifully from the sky, It makes me think how beautiful the nature is. In other words, winter is the best season.

I liked to work on this paragraph. I was really inspired while I wrote it because winter is my favourite season, but I still have punctuation mistakes, specially with semi colons. I'll practice more!

6.- El grafeno - Trabajo Final

Un nuevo mundo bidimensional

La principal finalidad de las tecnologías es transformar el entorno humano para adaptarlo mejor a las necesidades de las personas. El grafeno es el material más delgado que se haya descubierto y puede llegar a constituir sin duda un avance tecnológico revolucionario debido a la naturaleza y diversidad de sus propiedades. Recientemente hemos sido testigos de revoluciones tecnológicas que han causado gran impacto en nuestra vida moderna como son la aparición del transistor y el cobre para la informática y las telecomunicaciones, además de otras áreas de interés como la medicina, etc. Próximamente, el grafeno podrá asumir el liderazgo de las tecnologías de punta. 

Para comenzar, el grafeno fue descubierto en 2004 por los científicos de origen ruso Andre Geim y Konstantin Novoselov, pero fue en 2010, año en el que estos investigadores recibieron el Premio Nobel de Física,  cuando empezó la “fiebre del grafeno”. “(…) El grafeno es como Alaska con sus vetas de oro. Todavía esconde muchas cosas que podemos y necesitamos descubrir” (Andre Geim, 2013, Rianovosti)([1])

En primer lugar, el grafeno es un material que proviene del grafito y está formado de una sola capa de átomo de carbono. Es una sustancia formada por carbono puro y un solo átomo de grosor de forma hexagonal parecido al de un panel de abejas. El grafeno es muy ligero, una lámina de 1 metro cuadrado pesa tan sólo 0,77 miligramos. Debido a esto, Elsa Prada, investigadora del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales del CSIC, destaca que es la membrana más fina creada hasta el momento ([2]).

En segundo lugar, el grafeno se caracteriza por su delgadez. Es muy flexible y es transparente y permite pensar en la posibilidad de fabricar electrodos transparentes, componente esencial para uso en pantallas táctiles y pantallas de cristal líquido. Cumple la misma tarea que el silicio pero con un consumo menor de electricidad. Cuando una lámina de grafeno recibe algún daño que quiebra su estructura produciendo un agujero consigue atraer átomos de carbono situados en las proximidades para así reparar los huecos (se autorepara). También es de muy alta dureza: 200 veces mayor que la del acero, casi igual a la del diamante. Gracias a su única lámina de grosor, éste material se diferencia del silicio por su velocidad, dureza, resistencia y flexibilidad. “(…) Hay toda una lista de lo que llamamos los superlativos del grafeno que abarca muchas otras características. Nunca se había visto tal conjunto de propiedades exóticas en el mismo material y, en mi opinión, es improbable que vuelvan a aparecer juntas.([3])  (Guinea, 2013,

En tercer lugar,  la asombrosa versatilidad del grafeno permite múltiples aplicaciones comerciales, tales como pantallas táctiles flexibles, planas y transparentes. El óxido de indio, material clave hasta ahora para la industria, es escaso y caro, y el grafeno se está posicionando tanto en el área de dispositivos móviles como en células fotovoltaicas. Por otro lado, sensores, el grafeno al ser tan fino detecta cualquier cambio en su superficie. El equipo de Tomás Palacios Gutiérrez (Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Ciencia de la Computación del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts) ([4]) trabaja en desarrollar prototipos de sensores médicos como glucómetros, de calidad en alimentos, y en etiquetas de identificación de radiofrecuencia o etiquetas inteligentes. «Algunas de las aplicaciones serán sensores de glucosa y del conocido E. Coli en los plásticos que envuelven frutas. Con etiquetas inteligentes y si todos los objetos del mercado las tuvieran, pasarías por unos sensores que automáticamente identificarían el grafeno y te dirían cuánto tienes que pagar. Las actuales de silicio resultan caras», explica.

Por otra parte, es importante resaltar que no todo son ventajas para este impresionante material. También tiene puntos débiles que hay que mencionar. Según lo señala Frank Koppens, líder del grupo investigador del Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas, del que también forma parte Klass-Jan Tielrooij ([5]),"Hemos descubierto una capacidad favorable para la conversión de fotones absorbidos en electrones excitados, pero no hemos construido una placa solar". También se indica que el grafeno no resulta del todo apropiado para aplicaciones de uso electrónico ([6]), debido a barreras asociadas a las mismas propiedades del material. Así mismo, existen otros inconvenientes asociados a los procesos productivos y de comercialización. Y como lo indica Evelin Jacob en el documento  “Grafeno: ¿utopía futurista o esperanza del progreso?”,  aún existen inconvenientes en las técnicas de fabricación de este material: “(…) Según J. M. tour et al, con quien estoy de acuerdo, aún quedan muchos problemas de calidad por resolver en las técnicas de manufactura de grafeno, tales como opacidad, conductividad, tamaño e impurezas además de que debemos de encontrar mejores métodos de dopado para el grafeno ya que “…la conductividad del grafeno sin dopar es finita …”(Torres-silva, H. López-Bonilla J.L., 2011)([7])

                Por último, conviene mencionar que en Chile, la tecnología está aún en un nivel incipiente, tal como lo menciona Rodrigo Escobar: “(…) En Chile hay muy poca gente que está trabajando en el dominio nano, en la ciencia de lo pequeño. No hay instancias de transferencia tecnológica desde la academia hasta la industria, y la gente que la está estudiando responde a intereses e iniciativas propias. No hay un plan país, no hay una política nacional de desarrollo del área. Sin embargo, el Programa Bicentenario trata de aplacar esas falencias“, comenta Escobar.”(Rodrigo Escobar, Universidad Católica de Chile, 2007)([8]). Sólo existen algunas iniciativas puntuales en el área de la minería del cobre, de la limpieza y purificación del agua contaminada y en la medicina “(…)El compuesto de sales de renio permite detectar en 48 horas a las células cancerosas, por lo que los investigadores de la U. Andrés Bello creen que con este material se podría crear un kit de diagnóstico que permita hacer un diagnóstico preliminar que permita filtrar a los casos realmente importantes y descongestionar el trabajo de los patólogos. ‘Así, las personas que esperan seis meses, podrían tener un diagnóstico en una semana e iniciar a tiempo su tratamiento”, destaca el Dr. Rodrigo Ramírez-Tagle’.” ([9])

               En conclusión, puedo confirmar la tesis inicial, ya que el grafeno, gracias a su composición y propiedades mencionadas en el desarrollo, lo hace el material más delgado que se haya descubierto. Ahora bien, así como el transistor y otros muchos inventos y descubrimientos han dejado su huella en la historia, el grafeno parece encaminado a convertirse en uno de estos hitos tecnológicos que marcarán la historia reciente. Las propiedades de este material resultan tan impresionantes que al parecer lo descubierto es mínimo y las proyecciones son inconmensurables. Si bien el material presenta algunos inconvenientes, sus características lo perfilan como la solución en muchas áreas presentes y futuras. Este material podrá llegar a ser un impacto en el mundo de la tecnología y podría cambiar la vida de las personas, llevándolo a un nivel mucho más alto. Esperemos que así sea y que nuestro país pueda participar de los beneficios de este gran descubrimiento, para el bienestar de todos.

[1] Fuente:
[2] Fuente:
[4] Fuente:
[5] Fuente:
[6] Fuente:
[7] Fuente:
[9] Fuente:


- Moscú, 16 de noviembre, RIA Novosti. (Publicado el  7/12/2013 , 1:31)  Andre Geim: “El grafeno es como Alaska con sus vetas de oro”
- La Razón, Madrid (publicado el viernes, 06 diciembre 2013.Actualizado a las 22:35h) Qué es el grafeno
- Teresa Guerrero
| Madrid ( publicado el domingo 02/06/2013, 04:16 horas) Entrevista con el científico Francisco Guinea “En 30 años no he visto un material como el grafeno”
- Teresa Guerrero | Madrid (publicado el martes 26/02/2013 18:33 horas) Estudio internacional con participación española, “El grafeno multiplica la cantidad de electricidad que se obtiene de la luz”
- Inconvenientes del grafeno (sin fecha de publicación)
- Diego Rosas Villalva (sin fecha de publicación) “Grafeno: ¿Utopía futurista o esperanza del progreso?”
- Nanogrupo (publicado el
- Alexis de Ponson M. (publicado el 05 octubre del 2012) “Nanotecnología”

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

5.- El grafeno - pasos a seguir


"El grafeno es el material más delgado que se haya descubierto"

Título de fantasía

Un nuevo mundo bidimensional

Lluvia de ideas

-Panel de abeja

Organizador Gráfico


Subtemas y sus fuentes:

1.- ¿Qué es el grafeno?
2.- Propiedades del grafeno

3.- ¿Por qué es el material más delgado?

4.- La nanotecnología
-    corriente-electrica-el-grafeno/